Riverside Vets

Travelling With Your Dog

Dogs like to be included in whatever their family is doing and quickly learn that a car journey often leads to a walk. Many family dogs love to go on trips and will jump in the car as soon as the door is opened. If you are taking your pet on a longer journey you should plan in advance to ensure that you are properly prepared.

Dogs are very much part of the family, and for many years have been regularly included in family trips and holidays. Until recently it was not possible to bring a pet into the UK without a 6 month quarantine period, so most owners left their pets at home when they went abroad. The introduction of the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) has changed all this. Now pets with the correct documentation can travel abroad on holiday with their owners. and come home again! If you are thinking of taking your pet abroad you must be aware of all the relevant rules and requirements and it can take months to plan adequately for a trip so start thinking now before it gets too late.
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